Heres a cool thing I think I'm going to try to join in on. Fawm basically lays out a mission statement to write 14 songs over the course of the 28 days of February. More details at
Sad day for ska and live music fans. As one of the three remaining longtime members in RBF, Scott contributed a certain essence to their performance and presence. Hes a fantastic musician who really completed the RBF sound by contributing vocals, trumpet and guitar (not to mention top notch stage banter). He will be missed, and live Reel Big Fish will never be quite the same. At least we have DVDs and youtube that we can still fire up when we all need that RBF fix.
Message from Scott:
Dear Friends,
It is with overwhelming mixed emotions that I write this letter to announce my departure from Reel Big Fish. This decision has weighed heavily on the heart and mind of my wife and I. We found out in September that we were pregnant with our first child. A baby girl. We spent many nights debating back and forth over the subject of how to best arrange our lives to create the most safe and comfortable environment for our daughter. After much deliberation, we arrived at the conclusion that there was no way to create the home we envisioned without us both being present, to watch over and participate in the building of that home. Brick by loving Brick. In light of this announcement, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all for making one of the most important phases of my life as beautiful and rich as anything I have ever known. The man I stand as today is a direct byproduct of all of you wonderful people who have allowed myself and the rest of the guys to be apart of your lives. Those of you who have allowed us to entertain you in an attempt to make real human connections through our music. You all are true blessings in my life and I will never forget all that you have done for the band, my bandmates, my family and for me. I will deeply miss watching you all, as you dance, smile, sweat and sing along. No one could ask for a better group of fans, (fans almost seems like too crass a word to describe you all, but i lack a better word at the moment). Your love and support have always been the fuel that make Reel Big Fish continue to move forward. And when I tell my daughter stories of my time in the band, I will probably become misty eyed, like I am now, when I remember all of your beautiful faces. Please take care of yourselves and those around you. And remember, don’t let your dreams stand waiting in the wings. Invite them center stage. They need to be seen.
No matter how old you get, Wayne you will always inspire me. Getting the chance to see The Flaming Lips live was an amazing experience. I'd lie if I didnt tear up a bit hearing and seeing "Do You Realize" with my brother and one of my best friends this past 4th of July in Atlantic City. One day I hope to create something like Wayne, Steven and all current/past members of the Lips have.
GO TO THIS! If not for yourself, than please for me. Here you have possibly the worlds best current funk band (Lettuce) joined by the legend Maceo Parker. Oh, and did I mention ?uestlove is DJing and all the money goes to a charity? What could be better?
Fans of the wierd, poppy, complex and/or experimental rejoice for your tour of the year is here. Tera Melos released a pretty fucked up album last year (I mean that in the best way possible) that my friend Bill Nechamkin referred to as "the album Syd Barret would make if he were a product of today."
Joining them will be NY based female shredder Marnie Stern. Ex-Tera Melos drummer Vince Rogers will be behind the kit for Marnie Stern, and he KILLS. Vince is an excellent stand in for Zach Hill (who has played on all of her albums) and just too good to not be playing with someone. Dates listed below (count me in for the Philly date);
Tera Melos & Marnie Stern Winter Tour 2011 Feb 18 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo Feb 19 - San Diego, CA @ Soda Bar Feb 20 - Scottsdale, AZ @ Martini Ranch Feb 22 - San Antonio, TX @ Ten Eleven Feb 23 - Austin, TX @ The Mohawk Feb 24 - Dallas, TX @ Sons Of Hermann Hall Feb 25 - New Orleans, LA @ The Parish Room @ HOB Feb 26 - Tallahasee, FL @ Club DownUnder Feb 27 - Orlando, FL @ The Backbooth Feb 28 - Atlanta, GA @ The Drunken Unicorn Mar 01 - Raleigh, NC @ Kings Barcade Mar 02 - Washington DC @ Red Palace Mar 03 - Philadelphia, PA @ First Unitarian Church Mar 04 - New York, NY @ Santos Party House Mar 06 - Cambridge, MA @ The Middle East Mar 07 - Montreal, QU @ Il Motore Mar 08 - Toronto, ON @ Wrong Bar Mar 09 - Kalamazoo, MI @ The Strutt Mar 10 - Chicago, IL @ Subterranean Mar 11 - Omaha, NE @ Slowdown Jr Mar 12 - Denver, CO @ Moes Mar 13 - Salt Lake City @ Kilby Court Mar 15 - Seattle, WA @ The Vera Project Mar 16 - Portland, OR @ Branx Mar 18 - San Francisco, CA @ Bottom Of The Hill Mar 19 - Sacramento, CA @ Sol Collective
(Also check out at the end of the video where she says some things very close to James Murphy in that she too was an asshole at 22 and is glad all of her success happened at a later age.)
James Murphy recently gave an awesome interview on NPR syndicated program Sound Opinions. He talked alot about the arch of LCD Soundsystem's career and his own life including how he had opportunities to write for Seinfeld, produce for Janet Jackson and write with Britney Spears. Now instead of freaking out about these possible life changing opportunities, he was just kinda lazy and let them fizzle out. His view on the Seinfeld situation is summarized in this awesome quote;
"If the world had told me I was awesome at 22 I would have become an insufferable fuck. The world telling you that you're good before you figure out that the world doesnt really care and that what ever happens is funny really limits your enjoyment. I think failing consistently during my 20s set me up to be happy later in life. So much of our band is about being older."
I think this a refreshing view of life and I reccomend checking out the rest of the interview for more awesome nuggets like this. James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem on NPR
Well the pictures they tell me what it takes to be a man. I need a high paying job and buy as much as I can. And I aint’ really strong without a gun in my hand. With a mouth full of meat I choke “United We Stand!” I gotta drink, fuck, and fight and love my automobile. And I pledge my allegiance to invisible boundaries. And I can’t ever let no lady get the best of me. Gotta keep that upper hand, Right?
Im on a massive James Brown kick right now. I will be forever envious of whoever got to see his out of control live show. Seriously amazing. If youve got some time, browse youtube to see on of the best shows ever.
Part of his legendary stage presence were his dance moves. My Mom hit it on the head when we were watching a live DVD a few days after Christmas. Although not a very big JB fan she said, "I love watching a person whos so in love and having so much fun with what they're doing." If anyone sees me playing music in the future, expect to see a few of these sweet moves.
I am a Senior at the University of Delaware, originally from Hackettstown, NJ. Moose in a Box features news, reviews, videos and mp3s from independent artists, mainly but not limited to music.
This site also features the playlist for my weekly radio show on 91.3fm WVUD here at the University of Delaware.
My show is from 3-4pm on Tuesdays and you can listen here or of course on 91.3fm if you're in Delaware.
If you are interested in getting you music featured here or contacting me for any other reason, email me!