If you think that downloading an artists album doesn't hurt them, your simply wrong. The capital inflow of a label/band is very important and album sales is a major contributor to getting bands on tours, promotions, marketing, merchandise and generally keeping the band growing and sustaining.
Two blogs that EVERYONE should read about downloading and its effects on the independent artist are by two people that I highly respect and are doing some of the best and progressive things in all of music, John Gourley of Portugal. The Man and Cathy Pellow of Sargent House(Rx Bandits, Russian Cirles, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez) and they put into perspective just how much each purchase of an album means. Here are their links;
Sargent House Blog
Portugal. The Man Blog
Now these two people know full well that downloading has helped their acts grow and achieve the success that they have. Gourley and Portugal. the Man were one of the first to fully support it, even leaking their 2007 album Church Mouth two weeks early themselves. Sargent House also allow all of their albums for streaming on sites like
band camp and last.fm.
Sargent House is urging people to buy their artist Rx Bandits new record not for money, but to push their music into the limelight. If all fans of Rx Bandits abought their record when they come out next week, they say they would debut in the top ten on the Billboard charts, providing another reason to support artists you enjoy, to get shitty music off the airwaves and tv!! Still whether these calls to action will be taken seriously remains to be see, but they do provide insight to the other side of downloading.
I urge everyone to buy these two records and to support two great bands, Rx and Portugal. The Man, with both their new albums coming out this Tuesday. And for the next two days the new Rx album is only $3, so definitely hop on that.
Click Here